On rare occasions, parcels can go missing in transit. If this is your case, we'll be happy to offer a replacement or refund for your order.
💡 Tip: To track your order, please visit our article Where is my order?
There are three situations that indicate that your parcel may be lost:
- The parcel shows in pre-transit since 3-4 days ago.
- The parcel is stuck in transit, and hasn't been scanned since 3-4 days ago.
- The parcel shows as delivered, but you haven't received it.
If upon tracking your order, you encounter either of the following scenarios, we ask that you contact us as soon as possible, indicating order number, type of query and description of the issue.
We will then raise a loss investigation with our couriers. If the parcel cannot be located, our support team will arrange a replacement or refund.
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